David G. Cahill
Willett Professor and Head

Analysis of modulated time-domain thermoreflectance v2.6.2, posted October 8, 2008
MATLAB scripts for analysis of TDTR data posted September 12, 2012
MATLAB scripts for analysis of TDTR data G. Hohensee, posted September 25, 2014
MATLAB scripts for analysis of TDTR data G. Hohensee, version H3, February 27, 2015
MATLAB scripts for analysis of TDTR data, J. Kimling, January 9, 2017; corrected 1D approximation in earlier versions of bidirectional models; includes temperature measurement at locations other than the heat source and depth dependence of optical absorption; v2 corrects errors in the v1 code from November 2016.

LabVIEW automation for time-domain thermoreflectance, posted Jan. 2, 2008
LabVIEW automation for TDTR, posted April 18, 2012

Analysis of 3ω data for arbitrary multilayer geometry, posted Jan. 5, 2009

MATLAB scripts for modeling velocities of surface acoustic waves, Dongyao Li, December 2016

Thermal conductivity data
The files are two columns of ASCII data; the two columns are the temperature in degrees Kelvin and the thermal conductivity in W cm−1 K−1.
Useful data for analyzing TDTR experiments

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On 09 Jan 2017, 09:55.